Dry Sensitive Skin

A complete guide on how to take care of dry & hypersensitive skin: products for peeling.


At some point in our lives, we have experienced skin sensitivity or dry skin. However, this mostly happens when we get in touch with irritants or are exposed to irritants in our surroundings. It should be noted that due to irritants, our skin may also get itchy, red, swollen, and tender and may also feel burning sensations. It is not something fun.

Although it usually affects the whole body, it mostly occurs on the face. If you have this condition, it is common to experience skin peeling on your face. This is usually a sign that there is a problem with your skin’s protective barrier. It means that this barrier has been weakened or destroyed.

This destruction leads to rapid loss of water and easy penetration of irritants.

It is the detection of penetrating irritants by nerve endings that results in the uncomfortable symptoms previously mentioned. These symptoms are your body’s way of reacting to foreign particles. However, the only way to know for sure if you have dry and sensitive skin is to visit a dermatologist for a proper diagnosis. Your dermatologist can take you through patch testing to figure out what is causing your hypersensitivity.

The Major Causes to Dry Sensitive Skin

According to WebMD, there are a variety of factors that can contribute to the occurrence of this kind of sensitivity. We’re about to walk you through the most common causes.

Environmental Factors

The most common cause of hypersensitivity is due to changes in the environmental factors. These include high levels of heat or cold. It is easier for your skin to get sensitized during winter or summer.

Hormonal Changes

The overall health of your protective barrier is usually controlled by a set of hormones. As such, super sensitive skin is usually one of the first signs of hormonal changes, especially in women. Hormonal changes during puberty, pregnancy, and menopause have been known to cause this condition.

Stress and Lack of Sleep

High levels of stress and lack of sleep usually affect the hormones that control the maintenance of the protective barrier. Therefore, being sleep deprived or stressed for extended periods of time will definitely affect this barrier and cause sensitivity and dryness.

Medical Conditions and Allergies

According to Healthline, the major symptom of conditions such as eczema, rosacea, and hives is dry skin that is highly sensitized. It has also been proven that allergies also contribute to this hypersensitivity.

Harsh Products

Many skin care products contain dyes, perfumes and other chemicals that are very harsh. Continuous use of these products can lead to increased sensitivity. You should look for products that are gentle, moisturizing and soothing.

Dirt and Pollution

Prolonged exposure to dirt, smoke, and toxic fumes can lead to the breakdown of the skin’s barrier resulting in dryness and sensitivity.


In order to maintain a healthy body and by extension skin, you will have to eat a balanced diet. You also need to drink plenty of water. This keeps your whole body hydrated throughout the day.


Some people’s skin gets overly sensitive when exposed to jewelry made of certain materials such as nickel.

Detergents and Other Household Cleaners

More often than not, people experience high sensitivity after trying out a new detergent or household cleaner. Many of the detergents and cleaners we use in our homes contain harsh chemicals. That is why it is best to always use gloves when using them.

How to Care for Hypersensitivity

It goes without saying that sensitive, dry skin, like all types, need to be washed regularly. However, it requires some extra care and attention. In order to properly wash without aggravating the situation, you will definitely need the tips which I’ve highlighted further below, so keep reading.

Don’t Over Wash Your Face

Washing your face more times than necessary strips it of its natural oils and farther weakens its protective barrier. This only makes it drier and more sensitive. Properly washing your face with a cleanser once a day, at night is more than enough. In the morning, you don’t have to wash your face. Just rinse it with warm water and you’re good to go. There is no need to use any cleanser.

Choose the Right Cleanser

A big part of good sensitive skin care is knowing how to choose appropriate products. You should always buy a cleanser that is in the form of a lotion for dry skin. This lotion shouldn’t contain any soap or sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS). You should also make sure it has been labeled as a sensitive skin product. Going forward, it is also best to opt for products that have no alcohol or perfume. These are common irritants. If your face feels dry, irritated and tight after washing, switch cleansers. You can also use baby products as, they generally are the most gentle for infants.

Never Wash Your Face With Hot Water

Since extreme temperatures are probably what got you stuck with hypersensitivity in the first place, it is best to stay clear of them. Whenever you wash your face, use warm or cold water.

Be Gentle

Now that you are already experiencing high sensitivity, it is best to avoid harsh scrubs, washcloths and loofahs that will aggravate the situation. Be gentle, even when drying. Use a soft towel to dry and don’t rub so hard.

Use a Moisturizer

When it comes to dry skin care, moisturizers are a must. You should always moisturize after washing or rinsing. For best results, you should moisturize in the morning and at night.

How to Choose the Right Moisturizer?

When it comes to choosing moisturizers for sensitive skin, there are several factors you have to put into consideration and when you have grown up your entire life with these issues, you know how important this process actually is so listen up if this applies to you. However, if you’re looking for a moisturizer or just a breakdown of other products in the market that could help you, you can find more great info on Basic Skin Care Guide where we include an awesome skin care products table of products for all regimens that you can read through and compare.

Go With Cream and Oil-Based Products

Now that you are dealing with dry skin, you will need a heavy-duty moisturizer. Substitute your light lotion with cream and oil-based ones. You will also need a night repair cream to put on before you go to bed every night.

Take a Keen Interest in Ingredients

Choose moisturizing creams with glycerin, dimethicone, shea butter, or emu oil. These ingredients help constantly keeping you moist and soothed. Avoid moisturizers with alcohol, fragrances, and anti-aging ingredients like salicylic acid and retinoids. These can be irritating.

Look For a Moisturizer With Sunscreen

If you are always outdoors, the best moisturizer for you is one with sunscreen that offers broad-spectrum coverage and SPF 30 or higher. It is best to look for sunscreens with a physical blocker such as titanium dioxide or zinc oxide. These are gentle and can’t cause an allergic reaction. Unlike chemical sunscreens, they don’t absorb the sun’s UV rays. Instead, they deflect them.

Use a Moisturizing Facial Mask

It is advisable to use a facial mask at least once a week. This keeps your dry skin moist, soft, and smooth. A facial mask with Kaolin clay is perfect for this job.

Tips & Tricks

The American Academy of Dermatology and Stylecraze recommend the following tips for dry sensitive skin care:

  • Test any new products on a small patch before using them. Apply a little of the new product on your skin and wait for 48 hours to see if there is any negative reaction.
  • Use facial cleansing wipes. They are gentle.
  • Drink a lot of water.
  • Apply moisturizer after washing.
  • Avoid harsh laundry detergents. Only use detergents labeled as hypoallergenic.
  • Avoid rough fabrics such as wool. If you must wear clothes made of these fabrics, wear something made of cotton or silk underneath.
  • Don’t exfoliate more than twice a week.

So, What to do Next For Dry & Sensitive Skin?

Since there are many causes of sensitivity and dryness for people, it can be very difficult for your dermatologist to pin down what exactly is behind your situation. Due to this fact, most dermatologists will simply advise you to be more careful in your choice of household cleaners and adopt a suitable regimen for you. For what its worth, sensitive skin care isn’t that complicated. Just use as few products as possible, clean and moisturize them and stay away from harsh chemicals. Of course, you will need to invest in good products such as hydrating cleansers, facial masks, and night repair creams, but you need to make sure they are gentle enough for you.

If you’re currently browsing for a reputable line of professional skincare products that can cater to your needs, you can find all that you need in our category section below.